Why adoption groups?

Do you have a child who is adopted? Do you ever feel like you are navigating unexpected, complicated, and emotional issues as you attempt to raise a healthy and well-adjusted adopted child with a strong identity? You’re not alone. Join us for a four-week experience for your elementary-aged child(ren)… AND FOR YOU!!!

Nicole Stewart is a licensed psychologist and adoptive mother who recognizes the benefit that a group of families facing similar issues related to adoption could offer each other. Please join us for a four-week workshop covering Adoption Matters that just may give you some insights and tools to parent with confidence and support.

The Stewart Family braving Memory Grove for their annual pictures.

Adoption Matters Details:

In this workshop, adopted children will participate in fun activities-based experiences with adult facilitators and will also explore and share their own adoption stories with their peers, who presumably have similar stories. Parents will meet separately to learn from local experts about topics such as the role of attachment in your child’s relationships, how to create a secure base for your child within your relationship, racial issues, and other things that are unique to parenting an adopted child. You will also be introduced to several resources that you may find helpful on your parenting journey. And most importantly… you will develop a community of individuals who have been impacted by adoption and can share stories and experiences.

The next group will be held beginning in April 2019!

Participation costs are $125 for first child, $100 for each additional child.

The location for these groups is Wasatch Learning and Wellness Office at Willow Creek Plaza in Sandy, Utah.

If you would like to receive more information or would like to register, please complete the following fillable form and we will be in touch!

1 + 3 =


p: 385.645.4947‬
f: 385.379.4241




8170 S. Highland Drive, Suite E5
Sandy, Utah 84093